Women’s Wellness Retreat

Let us care for you as you care for yourself.


At the Women’s Wellness Retreat, we gather together in a small group of women where you will participate in activities designed to nurture you, including intuitive journaling, restorative yoga, and natural healing practices.

Women’s Wellness Retreat Dates:
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Location @
The Heart Revival Center

Keep taking care of yourself until you’re you again.
— Lalah Delia
I love that this retreat was time set aside for me. I felt absolutely safe and comfortable with my environment to truly reflect, relax, and connect with others. As a fast paced person with many things going on at once, this retreat was really what my soul needed and I cannot wait to do another!
— Brianna, Retreat Participant

Women’sWellness Retreat

At this half-day retreat, we offer you time to connect to yourself, relax and rest comfortably, and engage in activities designed to help you connect to your inner knowing.

Our retreat creates space for you to rest, re-connect to yourself and revitalize your energy and focus.

We hope you will join us in this safe space of women as we encourage our collective well-being.

With love,

Jordan, Jessica, & Vanessa

Sample Retreat Schedule

8:00-8:15 - Women’s Circle Centering

8:15- 8:45 - Outdoor Walk (weather permitting) or Hatha Yoga

8:45 - 9:15 Intuitive Journaling

9:15 - 9:45 - Share & Connect

9:45 - 10:00 Nourishing Snack Break

10:00-10:30 - Goddess/Future Self Visualization + Art

10:30-10:40 Break 

10:40 -11:40 - Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

11:40-12:00 - Women’s Closing Circle

The Women’s Wellness Retreat Series is designed for you to seasonally join together with a community of women. The change of the season can be a good reminder to check in with yourself and engage in activities to nourish you.

You can attend all retreats or pick the date that works best for you.

The purpose of this retreat is to provide space for you to connect to yourself in community with other women.

Reserve your spot at our Women’s Wellness Retreat sessions!
Spots are limited and fill up quickly.

Upcoming Dates:
March 17, 2024
June 23, 2024

Cost is $125

Payment plans and sliding scale fees available by request

What Our Retreat Participants Say

“It was really special to have dedicated time on a Sunday to meet a caring, supportive group of women and spend time reflecting, relaxing and taking care of ourselves. This was a really unique opportunity I haven't found in many other spaces. Everyone there was so gentle, warm and compassionate. I would recommend this retreat to anyone who is looking for the space to rejuvenate mentally, physically and emotionally.” - Ursala

“Even within a busy weekend, this retreat was a welcome time to take to myself. The time to reflect on myself and feel supported by this awesome group of women was so worth it. Thank you!” -Rebecca

“A great group of women and a supportive environment. I left feeling refreshed and ready for the new week ahead.” -Julie


Retreat Contributors

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Jordan Mendez
Wellness Retreat Organizer + Non-Toxic Living Instructor

Jordan is a wellness retreat organizer and non-toxic living enthusiast residing in Milwaukee, WI with her husband and two daughters. Natural health and wellness became a passion of hers when she learned how to heal her body through dietary changes, mental shifts, aided by the use of natural products including essential oils. Jordan combines her dedication to holistic wellness and her 14 years of event planning experience to produce high quality wellness retreats featuring experts in yoga, self-care, reiki, mindfulness, and more.

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Jessica Larson
Licensed Psychologist + Self-Care Advocate

Dr. Jessica Larson is a licensed psychologist, wife and mother of two children. She is Reiki trained (Level 1) and has a passion for taking care of herself and others. With over 10 years experience counseling parents, children and adolescents, Jessica blends the science of psychology with the experience of motherhood through Mama Be to support women on their journey to trust, love and care for themselves. For many of us, this process involves remembering who we truly are by creating practices that help us listen to our inner knowing and connect more deeply to what brings us joy. Join the Mama Be community on Facebook and Instagram: @mamabe.selfcare


Vanessa Weber
Yoga Instructor + International Retreat Leader

After practicing for 10+ years, Vanessa began teaching yoga in 2014. She received her RYT-200 through Yogavatar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She has spent the past decade as a special education teacher abroad while leading yoga and wellness retreats around the world. During her time abroad, her practice provided a home on and off the mat no matter the language or culture. For Vanessa, yoga has become a daily vitamin; a source of inspiration, transformation, and self-discovery. All styles of her classes -hatha, vinyasa, and yin- integrate gratitude, self-exploration, and a deeper connection to our breathtaking world. It is her hope to guide each class as a ceremony that leads each practitioner to a greater unity of body, mind and soul.

May you be brave enough to choose yourself—
even when others don’t.
— Alex Elle

Photos of Our Wellness Retreats